The town of Orange Walk was one of our little rest stops and the boat launch for our trip up the New River. We didn't get many photos of the place, but we thought it was worth mentioning. You see, during our stay at the Radisson we met up with a man named Elito. He was the entertainer, a one-man band with a beautiful Ovation guitar and a little drum-bass synthesizer. I talked to Elito quite a lot during the stay at the hotel. He played most nights for the guests of the hotel but did take one day a week off so that he could stay in Orange Walk and play with his band there. He let me play his guitar. He also told us a little about the Belizean styles of music such as  Punta and Brukdown

A great place to check out for Belize music is the Stonetree Records site. Stonetree has been recording native Belizean and Central American music for years now and has a number of albums available. They are also on MySpace.

I hope when we return to Belize we get the chance to hear Elito's band play. We will be heading back to Orange Walk for sure.

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