Junior, a new jaguar taking a mid-day siesta.

Little Grey Fox above, high up in a tree.

And this guy is a Jabiru Stork.Usually they stand about 4-5 feet tall, but I think this one is broken.

Above, wild pigs.

Right, a margay. It's the size of a domestic house cat, but is in fact a wild creature.

Also right, the otter. He was just too quick for me, I couldn't get a good shot of him.

Below, howler monkeys. Didn't get to hear them, unfortunately.

If you are asking, "What the #%$^& is that?", let me introduce you to a tapir. Here's the wiki.


The Belize Zoo is called a rescue zoo. Many of the inhabitants are sent to the zoo for recovery from injury or in order to be relocated because they either pose a threat or are in danger in the wild. As a result, only a few of the animals are permanent residents.

Official Belize Zoo website

Above, a vulture. I thought this shot came out better, but oh well.

Left, an ocelot. Maybe a third to a half the size of a jaguar, but the rounded face makes it a bit more unique or interesting.

Above, A coatamundi. A kind of Central American version of a raccoon, but a little more passive. 

The real highlight for the trip had to be the Harpy Eagles. I've heard stories of them before. The Mayans held them in special regard, along with jaguars and a few other animals. But the size and majesty really surprised me. The ones in the zoo had to be over three feet in height. The piercing eyes and huge, razor -sharp talons and sharp, eerie cries made them all the more breathtaking.


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